SOS Afghan Refugees Support 2002-2007

SOS Emergency Program

In addition to the core programme of rehabilitating orphans, SOS is at the forefront whenever a natural disaster or humanitarian crisis occurs. Relief is provided for the general populace and shelter to any children who may be orphaned.

SOS Afghan Relief Program

The SOS Afghan Relief Programme for refugees seeking shelter in Pakistan, was started in February, 2002 on the request of the European Promoting Associations, who also funded the interventions. The main focus was on the children: their education, health and recreation. Girls' education was a priority and schools were established in Shamshatu and Badaber Camps. Basic Health Units were also set up in these camps and referrals made to the SOS Pediatric Medical Centre established in Peshawar. This was a state of the art facility which provided a high standard of medical care and treated many thousands of critically ill children.

Children in the camps had no recreational facilities whatsoever, and playgrounds were opened for them in three of the large camps.

This programme ran successfully until 2007 when the camps were shut down and the refugees were repatriated to their own country.