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SOS Children's Villages and Shelter Homes Pakistan

SOS Children’s Villages Pakistan is a private non-profit organization working for the welfare, upbringing, and education of orphan and abandoned children of Pakistan since 1977. The concept of SOS is to provide a loving, caring, and secure home to the parent-deprived community of children. This includes 15 SOS Children's Villages, 4 SOS Children's Homes, 13 SOS Youth Homes, 22 Herman Gmeiner Schools, and 4 Technical Training Centres.

In our sponsor a child program one takes the responsibility for a child while he/she lives under our care. However, we do not give children for adoption. SOS Children's Villages Pakistan takes pride in its invaluable work, impacting thousands of lives through the help of our donors, sponsors, and volunteers.

Current No. of Children
Total Beneficiaries
Former SOS Children
Total Projects

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The SOS 'mothers' are selected with great care. The quality of care provided by the mother determines the success of our efforts


The essence of a family is an essential part of an SOS Village. Children grow up together as siblings to achieve a family atmosphere

A Home

The home is the focal point of the Village. An SOS home is a self-contained unit, as close as possible to a normal home in all respects

A Village

An SOS Village is the community in which the child lives and finds shelter and support from other members of this extended 'family'

How You Can Contribute

Educate a Child

Educate a child to empower them

Amount: Rs. 2000

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Sponsor a Child

Sponsor a child to ensure a brighter future for them

Amount: Rs. 15000

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Give Zakat to fulfill the needs of the children

Amount: Any amount

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Jahaiz Fund

Provide necessities to the girls for getting married

Amount: Rs. Any Amount

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Construction of a facility or a new project

Amount: Rs. 12,000,000

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Give sadqa to fulfill the needs of the children

Amount: Rs. Any Amount

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Sadqa For Goat

Sadqa is an Islamic charitable act of giving alms

Amount: Rs. 20,000

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